Tag: Gotham S01 E05

“Year One E05 – Viper Review” – Gotham TV Podcast Episode 23

In this podcast we discuss, with full spoilers detail, Episode 5 of Gotham “Viper”. It’s all about the weapons this week from the drug Viper to Liza and Oswald Cobblepot everyone has a weapon in play for their plan for Gotham. Of course, we also include the Gotham news. You can send your feedback to us for the show to feedback@gothamtvpodcast.com.


As always thanks so much for listening and we’ll be back next week with our discussion of episode 6 of Gotham – “The Spirit of the Goat”.

Derek and John

Gotham TV Podcast

Date recorded: 11/11/2014
Date published: 11/11/2014
MP3, 1h 06m, 128kbps, 60.7 MB