“Batman: Strange Days” – Bruce Timm’s Batman 75 Tribute

Bruce Timm, the maker of the much beloved “Batman: The Animated Series” and the animated features “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” and “Batman: Return of the Joker”, has released his animated short “Strange Days” created for Batman’s 75th anniversary. The 3 minute animated short is available to view here.

“Strange Days” sees the Batman (voiced by Kevin Conroy) take on an old nemesis, Hugo Strange, and his “creation” to rescue the dame. At WonderCon Bruce Timm said when introducing the short that “I always wanted to do a straight-up period piece version of Batman set right in 1939, the year Batman was created.”

The entire short feels like the start of an old black-and-white horror film in its tone, much like the Frankenstein movies. Even the music is evocative of this 1930’s era in which Batman took his first steps to fighting crime in Gotham City.

Bruce Timm also said at WonderCon that “Strange Days is an itch that I’ve had for years that I finally got to scratch.” We are really glad he did as this is a lovely atmospheric piece of animation in tribute to The Bat.

#Batman75 #Gotham


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